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La fellation d'Anapola Mushkadiz dans Battle In Heaven (2005)
Compilation de fellations non simulées au cinéma
Chiara Fiore nue dans La Stanza di Amalia (2016)
Tallulah Cassavetti nue dans Gold for Dogs (2020)
Jessica Grace Smith nue dans Spartacus (2011)
Q: But you'll be well enough by January to make your second trip to Darfur. What's the plan?
A: I'm not a politician, so the reason I go is to (focus) attention there. So we're going to try to get deeper into Darfur; try to get some cameras in to the tougher camps and have conversations. That's basically all I can do. If you put famous people in front of very ugly sites, people will watch.
What has been accomplished since you and your father (Nick) spoke about Darfur on the National Mall in April 2006?
A: You want the truth? Absolutely nothing. People can march and pat each other on the back, and concerts will happen, and the simple truth is there’s still the exact same issues going on.
Q: Has being so involved with the heartache in Darfur affected your own level of joy?
A: It certainly reminds you to be ridiculously happy with your life. Once you see people suffering in the way these people are suffering, you feel very guilty about not suffering at all.
ça sent le contrôle d'hygiène pour ce restaurant T.T
Surtout en ce moment elles rentrent dans les baraques, j'en ai buté 4 dont une qui était dans ma douche cette semaine...
Pas envie de me faire piquer le cul par une RedBack ...
+1 niouk xD